Page name: Undead Zoo! Training grounds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-01 04:03:24
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Awesome pic! =^_^=

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: thanks.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1361840710.jpg>

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Cool. :P

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: ^-^<img:stuff/aj/190343/1361840890.gif>

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: *snickers*

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It's Donkey Kong

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: meet anime.

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: OMG That picture you used for the training grounds looks like it's the forest from Bambi. lol

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: The anime is Fullmetal Panic.

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It does doesn't it

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Either that or Snow White...

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: ahh.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Disney!Forest. XP

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: So who gets first post here?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: probably Jace.

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, since he is the 'leader' lol

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I agree

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Ok, fine. :P I'll think of something...

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *sings* The leader of the pack!

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: It'd be nice if someone commented on how the size of the grounds "doesn't seem too big". XP

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: *howls* PACK LEADER!!

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...Actually, Jace /is/ the oldest of Julian's surviving kids...

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: hehehe sooooo cute!!

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Heehee


2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Hey Kbrid I think Raven should pick up on the Blackfire scent or should Will be the one to notice

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ... *just realized* Isn't Loki looking after Yuki?

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, but weren't they going to watch them race?

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yeah he is

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Jace said he can't be on the training grounds, remember? :/ Plus, I don't think there's a vantage point to see the entire race...

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah... I got confused. lol So where do they go? Should Loki trick Yuki and take him to the daycare? lol

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: The sparring room is actually in the same wing as the daycare. :P So he wouldn't neccessarily have to trick him, just wait for him to tire out...

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah, alrighty then... Should we make a page for the sparring room?

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I think it's Kbirds turn here

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...Yeah, that's what I figured before William's post. XD

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Was Debbie calling Jace "demon"?

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Or was she saying that Ciel is a demon?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: no she was saying what Ciel is.

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah.

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: If Ciel has the Blackfire scent that means he isn't a full demon though

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Yeah, I wasn't sure, since the smell was coming from him... :P

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah...

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: He would by a demon werewolf hybrid then but Will didn't smell any demon scent mixed in

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Wait, if Raven was his ancestor, his name might not be Blackfire. Raven is a woman, and most people get their last names from their /father/, not their mother.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: I was thinking he could be part of the adopted family like group.

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: True but Raven could've kept her last name after Will disappeared though to keep their family name going besides Sam of course

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Wait, isn't the "smell" a genetic thing? And they'd probably notice that it wasn't a werewolf smell. *is confusing herself the more she thinks about it* >.<

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I think so

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: They where around the Great grand father that it a matter a mental note they have that tells them "Hey this person is family!!"

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will is trying to figure that out due to the fact he disappeared in 2012

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Who's turn is it

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Not sure...

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Then I'm stuck

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: hmm...

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Looks like Kbird's turn. Ciel was asked a question, after all.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Even people who don't trust Jace know that he wouldn't screw up someone's training. If only because they know he wouldn't want to lose his job. XP

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...Yes, because telling your sister that her son "hooked up" with someone is exactly how you want to phrase that. XD

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will didn't know what else to say. Everyone from Will's time except Raven thinks he is dead so you can imagine his situation

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I have another idea that could deal with the other sister of Will,Raven and Dean but it would involve her siding with Dean though

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: What is it?

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: She would have Dean's point of view over Will and she would be Against Raven for letting Will and Dean fight in the first place

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: how would she know about them without them knowing about her?

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Raven would have told her about her brothers after they had disappeared

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: I geuss that would work....

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: And I have a name for the other sister to. It's Karen Blackfire

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: If Crimson wants to play her it could bring her into the stuff going on at the hide-out...

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I think that might be a good idea

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: O__O Karen?

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That was the first thing that popes into my head unless you have something better Kbird

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: Oh it's just..I've had bad run ins with

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yeah I had a aunt named Karen once but her and my dads brother got devoriced

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: Uh yeah one Karen was a theif who claimed the July and I where the actul theifs...:/ she was a lying blob.

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: We could spell it like Ichigo's sister does in bleach,Karin

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: okay.

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok then Karin Blackfire it is

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: I'll get a pic.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1361913546.jpg><img:stuff/aj/190343/1361913579.jpg><img:stuff/aj/190343/1361913606.jpg>Karin?

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Let's use the Black haired one

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: Okay!^-^

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Kbird I think Raven should tell Will about Karin you know just incase

2013-02-27 [Kbird]: we should wait for Crimson

2013-02-27 [ancienteye]: Yep.

2013-02-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: I have no idea what to say... lol

2013-02-27 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: You could have Alan and Alex ask about the underworld

2013-02-27 [ancienteye]: Hey, Crimson! :D We have a new page! Yue's Lab

2013-02-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: I guess so...

Cool! :D

2013-02-27 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: And a new sister for Will,Dean,and Raven who is going to be with Dean and we was wondering if you wanted to play as her

2013-02-27 [ancienteye]: Jace isn't teasing or anything. "Static" is a regional term for lightning that his mom and litter always used.

2013-02-27 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yeah and I just changed Sam's post to

2013-02-28 [Kbird]: oh it's Crimson's turn

2013-02-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: She posted Sam's last post

2013-02-28 [Kbird]: yeah but none of her characters have replied

2013-02-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I think she is waiting on Ciel's response to Sam

2013-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.... But I could make them shocked. lol

2013-03-01 [ancienteye]: Jace is staying at one point and keeping track of how many laps they do and how long it takes, by the by. :P

2013-03-01 [Kbird]: lol good because I dont think they're keeping track.

2013-03-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "The two upfront are almost halfway through the first lap, but aside from that, the pups got a way to go."

2013-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep.

2013-03-01 [ancienteye]: ??? Didn't we decide the holiday was Easter?

2013-03-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: We did and I made the change for Will and Dean's birthday to be the day before Easter instead of my actual birthday since it has already happened

2013-03-01 [ancienteye]: Ah.

2013-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Uh...

2013-03-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: What is it Crimson

2013-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nothing...

2013-03-01 [ancienteye]: Just let me know when they pass Jace. :P

2013-03-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That will probably be after Will and Raven gets back there and Will is going to need Ciel for their mission to the underworld

2013-03-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "I told you pups that there would be some dodging on this run!" XP

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Uh... What's with the newspaper? lol

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: ....I wanted him to be focusing on something else while waiting and couldn't think of any magazines he'd like. >__>"

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]:

lol this is what I see when I read that post.


2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: Yue: *notices Ciel and Sam using electricity* O.O *blink blink* "Oh! Oh! I have an idea!" :D *flails arms happily*

2013-03-02 [Kbird]: Yes Yue?

2013-03-02 [Kbird]: SHIGURE!!!!XD

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: Yue: *to Ciel and Sam* "Have you two ever heard of diamagnetism?" =^_^=

2013-03-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: no why?

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-03-02 [Kbird]: Ciel: a What?

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Diamagnetism is a mild force that every object on earth possesses. It is basically a magnetic field generated by the electric charge in atoms~ It is usually too mild to notice, but superconductors of diamagnetism are capable of curving water and levitating~ And since diamagnetism's source is the electromagnetic charge found in all atoms and you two control electricity, maybe with a little practice and/or a power boost or two..." =^_^=

2013-03-02 [Kbird]: Ciel: I COULD FLY!!
Me:...>.> you worn't really listening to her where you?

2013-03-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Lightning isn't the only thing I control.*makes a small fireball* I control fire to

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I know~" =^_^= "It's in your and your dad's files~"
Jace: "Chirpy, cheery green-haired girls that memorize every single book or file they so much as /glance/ at. No government facility is complete without one." XD

2013-03-02 [Kbird]: Me:I know she's adorabs!*Huggles Yue*
Ciel:She could have help me with test...

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: Yue: O.o "..." =^_^= "Thank you?"

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: Is Crimson or Kbird next on this page?

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well I suppose I could put reactions from my guys.

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Keep picture Shigure reading the newspaper when I read Jace's posts. lol

2013-03-02 [ancienteye]: XP And he is /not/ looking up from it. He's telling where they are and what they're doing by sound and smell.

2013-03-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Nice.

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: Will, I'll get your post up after Crimson's characters reply.

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It's your turn Crimson

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Crimson doesn't Alex,Alan, or Jack have anything to say

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: umm I dont think Will would be seeing them that soon....would?

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Maybe Sam and Ciel because of how fast they are running

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: uh is Will saying not to tell Sam because Sam will start a fight?

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: No. Not to tell Dean where Will has gone other wise it will be a repeat of the first fight the two brothers had

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Should I edit it to clarify for you then?

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yeah go ahead and do that please

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: would he really have to say that?

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Some one could let it slip and if that happened Will could be trapped back in limbo again along with who ever is with him. And don't forget what Raven told him

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It's your turn Kbird and it might be time to include Ciel

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will's post needs to be changed Crimson I was fixing it when you put the old one up

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh.

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sorry :)

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: It's cool

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: It'S CALLED HELL FOR a reason Alex MRAHAHAHA>:D

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: *still reading paper* "All them other pups are too green for this demon business..." *turns page*

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *pouts*

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: *still reading* "Just be glad I'm lettin' ya come along to pick up those kids an' get back to runnin', pup."

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Fine.

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: I'm putting Wills post on the facility page.

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: Ok.

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: Who's next?

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I guess I could put something up for Sam

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: *blink blink* Are they all running together now or was that a temporary thing while they were talking?

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: There running together right now

2013-03-05 [ancienteye]: Should we do a cutscene or something until the last lap?

2013-03-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Probably.

2013-03-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That's fine with me

2013-03-05 [Kbird]: <.< I'm in a odd mood............

2013-03-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I can tell lol

2013-03-05 [Kbird]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1362458857.jpg>

2013-03-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: STEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! *glomps Stein*

2013-03-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Nice. Hey Crimson look it's Stien from Soul Eater


2013-03-05 [ancienteye]: *sigh* *whispers to Kbird* I'm probably not gonna be able to use the post I had planned, huh? >.<

2013-03-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: NO! MY STEIN! *grabs him and runs away*

2013-03-05 [Kbird]: what did you have planned? I can fix stuff!

2013-03-05 [ancienteye]: *blink blink* I sent you that message, remember? Besides, it's fine. I'll just hang on to them in case I get the chance to use them later...

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